14 May 2010

The New Purse

I bought a new purse the other day and Alli has been asking for a picture, so: TA - DA!

I got it at Target the other day. The ironic thing is, I went to the purse section of Target and was not impressed, so I started heading to the book section. The walk ways were so crowded that I decided to just walk through the clothing aisles. As I was passing through the infant section, this purse was hung up with some baby blankets. I have good shopping juju every now and then.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. I hooked up my speakers to my laptop. :o)
2. Jessie must have had her baby by now.
3. I seriously need a hair cut. My hair touches my waist. That is a little extreme. The only problem is, I don't know what to do with it. Hmm...

13 May 2010


Over the past 2 1/2 weeks, I've gotten 2 fortune cookies that are eerily similar.


If you're the unexpected visitor/returning good friend, don't spoil it for me - I want to be surprised when you show up!

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. "Animal" by Neon Trees. SO good - can't get enough.
2. The auditor we thought was dead isn't dead. He resurfaced this morning, alive and well. The jerk.
3. Clean Sheet Day!!
4. They traded interns around in the office and moved the guy that was frustrating the living daylights out of me to the other office and gave us a girl. I'm much happier now, and more work is getting done every day.
5. Apparently I get to start handling more of my own stuff at work - go me!
6. I miss Stella.

09 May 2010

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Chelsea's grandma has season tickets to the Civic Light Opera of Redondo Beach and as a reward for being a frequent customer, they gave her 3 free tickets to any show for this season, and Chelsea's grandma gave them to Chelsea.

She took me and Bryce to see "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" with her. It was ...different...

hahaha. Bryce and I were still on the fence about how we felt about it when it was done. Don't get me wrong - the performers were great and everything (including Bryce's little cousin that neither of us knew was in it) but it was a little insane what with the Go-Go dancers and the ElvisPharaoh all mixed in with the Israelites.

The best part of the night was spending time with Bryce and Chelsea. I don't spend a lot of time with Bryce these days and it was so much fun to go out with both of them. And I'm really glad Bryce decided to come to dinner with us; I love him and can't believe I have such an amazing person in my life.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. My mom freaking rocks. I love her to death and can't imagine a better friend/role model.
2. Knowing that I can go to Stella whenever I need to hear the truth. I went to her to hear what I wanted to hear and got something better - honesty. She's the best.
3. I got a new purse that I'm in love with. Chelsea saw it and said, "OOOOO! Macy's?" Nope. Target.
4. Right when I hit a breaking point, the Lord remembers me and takes care of me - even if that care comes in a very unexpected way.
5. There's nothing better than your friends honest reaction of, "You look friggin' hot!"
6. There are some seriously cute babies in my home ward.

02 May 2010

No Doubt

The band, that is.

Remember how I was told that I was going to have to try out to be the singer in my company's band? Well, we went to happy hour the other night (I didn't drink - no worries) to celebrate a huge milestone for our company and I sat across from Marc, the lead Program Manager and Mike, the President/CEO (who started the band). As soon as Mike sat down and saw me, he said, "I have HUGE news for you."

A few weeks ago Mike went to a charity event for the Pat Tillman Foundation. There was a fantastic drum set up for auction which came with an hour and a half lesson with the drummer from No Doubt, Adrian Young. Mike bid $2,000 on the set/lesson and won. Mike already plays the drums so he called Adrian Young's personal assistant and set up for Adrian and the lead singer of a different band (who I can't remember) to come down to Palos Verdes and go golfing on Trump's course with him. That should happen in the next week or so. Here's where this gets interesting for ME - according to Mike.

Mike has been working with Adrian Young's PA to set up a concert for our company. (He's awesomely pushy isn't he?) No Doubt is recording right now (for all of you fans out there) and they're going to be going on tour shortly after the album is released. From what the PA says, Adrian Young will probably be totally down with this. If he is, Mike is going to have a show at his house for our company where the company band will be performing with special guest: Adrian Young. What does that mean? I'll be singing with the drummer from No Doubt. (Possibly).

And to think I wasn't going to go to happy hour because I don't drink...

I'm glad I went. Marc, Mike, Mayu, and Kumar asked me why I don't drink and I didn't get crap for it. Marc even went so far as to say he respects me and my decision - and no, he hadn't had a drink yet. The company paid the tab - so I only paid $3 for one coke and the rest were free! Marc asked me how I thought work was going and if I really did like it and we got to talking for almost 2 hours. After a while, we did some reshuffling of seats and I talked with a few other of the "higher-ups" and the founder, Jim. As I was leaving, I went to everyone around the table to say goodbye and congrats and Marc stopped me and took me to Jim to tell him how much the content department has improved since I started. We got about 10 minutes of solid praise from Marc and Jim, both. Then, Kumar told me how much he loved how I handle his accounts and the work I put in to everything.

All in all, it was a good night out.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. This whole post.
2. Friday in general. It was a great day.
3. Gothpod is driving me insane in the good way and the bad way.
4. The Relief Society lesson today was totally meant for me. Thanks, Megan.