09 February 2011


I love art. If I could, I would spend the next 5 years of my life (at least) visiting museum after museum in country after country. I always wished that I could draw, but learned fairly early that somethings must remain a dream.

I saw this painting today and it has stayed in the recesses of my mind all day.

I hope that you all know the story of Icarus. Icarus was the son of Daedalus, a great architect in ancient Greece, for King Minos. Daedalus failed Minos one day, and he was imprisoned in a tower, with no escape. Daedalus managed to construct two sets of wings, one for himself and one for his son, Icarus. Being such a brilliant architect, Daedalus understood that he would need feathers of all sizes, some of which he secured with string and some with wax.

When both sets of wings were complete, Daedalus instructed Icarus not to fly too low as the moisture would damage the string and feathers and not to fly too high as the heat from the sun would melt the wax. Icarus was eager and flew too high. The wax that held his wings together began to melt and feathers began to fall off of the set of wings. Icarus panicked and flapped his wings faster, causing more feathers to fall. His wings destroyed, Icarus fell to the sea and drowned. Daedalus found the boy's body and buried him, naming the place Icaria.

Herbert James Draper painted The Lament for Icarus in 1898. Isn't it breath-taking?

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. Art of the Day by Google.
2. Gil telling me all about the shots he had to get in his butt. Everyday. For 3 days.
3. The world's longest Alias marathon.
4. Chubby men. I LOVE me some chubby men.
5. The shoe is on the other foot.