09 May 2010

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Chelsea's grandma has season tickets to the Civic Light Opera of Redondo Beach and as a reward for being a frequent customer, they gave her 3 free tickets to any show for this season, and Chelsea's grandma gave them to Chelsea.

She took me and Bryce to see "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" with her. It was ...different...

hahaha. Bryce and I were still on the fence about how we felt about it when it was done. Don't get me wrong - the performers were great and everything (including Bryce's little cousin that neither of us knew was in it) but it was a little insane what with the Go-Go dancers and the ElvisPharaoh all mixed in with the Israelites.

The best part of the night was spending time with Bryce and Chelsea. I don't spend a lot of time with Bryce these days and it was so much fun to go out with both of them. And I'm really glad Bryce decided to come to dinner with us; I love him and can't believe I have such an amazing person in my life.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. My mom freaking rocks. I love her to death and can't imagine a better friend/role model.
2. Knowing that I can go to Stella whenever I need to hear the truth. I went to her to hear what I wanted to hear and got something better - honesty. She's the best.
3. I got a new purse that I'm in love with. Chelsea saw it and said, "OOOOO! Macy's?" Nope. Target.
4. Right when I hit a breaking point, the Lord remembers me and takes care of me - even if that care comes in a very unexpected way.
5. There's nothing better than your friends honest reaction of, "You look friggin' hot!"
6. There are some seriously cute babies in my home ward.

1 comment:

nison (nic + allison) said...

I absolutely love that show! Jealous you got to go.
I'm here for you anytime, girl! Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Love you!
Post pictures of your new purse!