It's quite ridiculous, really.
I think the biggest danger is the desk. I call it the demon desk. It's positioned against the wall between the head of my bed and the head of Leslie's. The thing is, something isn't right. There is about a 6 inch gap between the head of Leslie's bed and the edge of the demon desk and there is absolutely NO gap between the demon desk and the head of my bed. I actually think there is about a 1/4" overhang of the demon desk onto my bed. So whenever I move in my sleep, I hit something - usually my hands. Consequently, my hands are always bruised. And I keep bumping my legs on the corner of the demon desk and getting rather large bruises, like this one:
And then, the door doesn't open all of the way because there isn't enough space between the door jamb and the foot of Leslie's bed. Our beds are really crappy captain's beds and the drawer under the heads of our beds is, of course, buried under the demon desk. Naturally, we don't keep anything in those drawers because it's just too dangerous to crawl under the demon desk to access it.
Then, there is a shelf that goes along our wall from the corner of the head of Leslie's bed and wraps around behind our demon desk to my head, along my bed and all the way to the corner by the closet (again, I get the worst of it because it goes along the length of my bed) and Leslie is constantly hitting her head on the ledge of the shelf while I'm always hitting my knees as I roll over.
The window is really hard to open (especially because you have lean OVER the demon desk to reach it) and I've broken 7 finger nails on it.
And then, one day, Leslie got deathly ill. I took care of her the best I could. She didn't have swine flu, but a virus that was acting ridiculously swine flu-like. She had a fever, ear infection, she was throwing up, had a horrible hacking cough, and a stuffy nose (among other ...less pleasant ailments). Our room became the quarantine/sick bay. So naturally, I got whatever virus Leslie had, just it wasn't as severe. I only had a REALLY high fever (it got as high as 102.1), a hacking cough and stuffy nose that lasted for about 5 days (I still have a cough though, and it's been like 2 weeks) whereas Leslie was in bed for 10 days and still has a cough as well.
There are hardwood floors in the vanity and living room, and of course, right outside our bedroom doors. Well, the spot in front of our bedroom door is REALLY slippery for some reason and Leslie and I are constantly sliding around on it and I just know that one day we're going to hit the floor HARD.
Like I said, our room is a death trap.
Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. Leslie's mom drove up from Brigham City to take care of her and got here the day I got my fever - it was really good timing because I didn't feel well enough to take care of her anymore. (Not that I was doing a whole lot, but really, that fever kicked my butt and knocked me out.)
2. John. He's freaking ridiculous. I hate him. He's such a boy. He flirts with me, then ignores me, and now he's back to flirting with me. So much so that our English teachers have both commented on us needing to "knock it off or get dropped."
3. I love Shauna's missionary blog. Thanks Jayne for updating all of us!
4. I got really good feedback from my class mates about my online job portfolio. That's right, I have an online job portfolio.
5. I love, love, love Victorian literature, and I've just picked up what is regarded as the best, and first true, Gothic Novel. I'm a huge fan.