29 October 2009


I have a lot of really fond memories from my childhood, and this is definitely one of them!

The original "Dr. Dolittle" starring Rex Harrison.

I don't have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I spend the day doing homework and working my butt off. I sat down to eat lunch today and turned on the tv. I was flipping through channels looking for something to provide noise while I cooked and that's when I saw that "Dr. Dolittle" was on!!

I was so excited!!

I did my homework in front of the tv so I could watch. I can't remember the last time I saw this movie. I love it! And I totally have a crush on Matthew Mugg (real name - Anthony Newley). He's Irish, and I'm pretty sure that has a lot to do with it. And he sings.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. Excedrine. I hate that medicine only treats symptoms and doesn't cure whatever causes headaches, but I'm grateful for it anyway.
2. I got to hang out with Jereme for a little bit yesterday.
3. It's 5:00 pm and I haven't made my bed yet. That NEVER happens. Even when I was sick and could barely move, I made my bed.
4. Thank you, Alli, for saying that "my guy" wasn't hit by a truck, just married the wrong girl. It feels like that more and more...
5. Alex and Brittney have the nicest boyfriends in town. They're great guys and I'm glad they spend a lot of time here.

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