So, happy birthday!
Bryce, you're my favorite person EVER. Hands down. (...thus far. Hahaha.) You crack me up, and you keep me fat with your brownies. You were my very first real date ever, the only boy that ever made me even think about going to a high school dance, my first husband, my very first unsupervised road trip, threw me my first surprise party, and took me to my first club in Hollywood.
I was going to try to think of my favorite thing we ever did together, but couldn't pin it down to just one thing, so here' s a quick list (instead of a things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today list):
- We went to Ruby's one night and you spilled pumpkin shake all over your face.
- Car dancing. Every time.
- Setting the goldfish for Ashley's wedding free.
- And then meeting those really random guys who invited us to a party because they liked our car dancing as we were driving back to my house at like 1 am.
- My red lint hat. I loved it.
- Making halloween costumes together.
- Hiding in the girl's bathroom all those years ago from Tim the Chainsaw Murderer.
- You got ABBA stuck in my head for like a month.
- All of the cancer jokes. I tell them up here sometimes and no one appreciates them.
- I'm pretty sure you wrote every poem I had to turn in for Mrs. McCauley's class my senior year.
- The Car Wars.
- Being willing to help me out when my cleptomania flares up. :o)
- The intense games of spoons we used to play.
- Remember how we used to be able to have conversations without really using words? It came in handy at Disneyland at least once that I remember...
Basically you're a stud despite being terminally ill.
I miss you lots, friend. I hope your recovery is going well and that you're causing trouble.
1 comment:
BONJOUR! Merci!! I really like that list! missed the time when we made tuna melts...
I am recovering quite well...I think southern France has really helped :) The weather is nice, the city is beautiful...and the food is B-O-N! I feel like Julia Child when I eat butter here...
...just the time we get to run amuck again you will be graduated!!! YAY!!! (and hopefully I'll be terminal tumor free!)
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