14 November 2010

Geeking Out

I had to post about this because it basically made my day.

As you should all know by now, I'm a MASSIVE Dr. Who fan. I am especially fond of the current Doctor, Matt Smith. He's dreamy - see??
I even bought myself a t-shirt fromThinkGeek.com that has a picture of the TARDIS and says, "You never forget your first doctor".

For those of you who don't know (and you'll need this bit of background for the story, I'm not just being a geek...) Dr. Who is in the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest running SciFi TV show in the world. It's got to be the biggest thing to come out England aside from The Beatles. Because the show has been on since the '60s and the storyline follows one Time Lord known as the Doctor, there are several men who have played the Doctor - 11, to be exact. Hence why my shirt rocks.

So yesterday, I'm running errands with my mom and Christy, totally rocking my Dr. Who shirt, and we end up in the Disney store. I got distracted by a Tinkerbell t-shirt and as I was digging for my size, one of the employees came up to me and said, "I really like your shirt." I kind of thought she meant the one that I was holding, but she followed up with, "Who is your first doctor?" We then started a discussion about our favorite Doctors. Hers was 10. Mine is 11. 10 is my second favorite and I absolute hate 9. It's a good thing 9 was only the Doctor for one season. She agreed.

I love geeking out like that!!

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. All those fictional men that I love: The Doctor, Ian, Ron Weasley, Edward Rochester, Sean, Sirius Black, Severus Snape, Jace Herondale, Amon Byrne, and Po just to name a few.
2. All the real men that I love: my brothers, my dad, Bryce Fisher, Married Boyfriend, Elliot, Matt Smith, and Alan Rickman.
3. Speaking of geeking out, last night we had a work function for my department at my boss' house. Everyone (save John and I) got mildly drunk and, instead of putting in a movie like we had originally planned, we played Trivial Pursuit. Yep, we're nerds.
4. Josh, Karissa, Ashley, Hannah, and Rachel all come next week!!
5. Christy is FINALLY going to officially become part of my family on Saturday!!!
6. I got an answer to something I've been struggling with for quite some time and luckily it's the answer I was expecting. But it's really hard to work with...
7. I have my next big purchase decided - it just needs tweaking...

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