05 February 2010

Happy Birthday, Hannah!

Today is Hannah's birthday!

SHE'S 3!!

That seems insane to me! I can't believe how quickly time has gone by.

She's such a sweet girl, and hilarious. I miss her oodles every day. I miss when she would come out of her room in the morning and see me on the couch and say, "UNCLE TIM!" or "Wake up Auntie Lauren!" She would read to me, and she is definitely the best dancer on the Conley side of the family. She's precious, and I love her.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. I have 2 gorgeous nieces. Do I need anything else? ...Maybe. hahaha.
2. My wonderful Momma helped me re-organize my closet and now everything fits in my room without having stuff in boxes in front of my bed. Plus, I plugged in my wall-flower, and now my room smells FABULOUS.
3. It's raining here today. I love it.
4. New music. Woo hoo.
5. I'm still plowing through the Percy Jackson books. Love them. Highly recommend them. All that jazz.


Mason Manor said...

She sure is getting big. I don't remember that picture of her in the frilly dress. so cute. thanks for posting :)

aubree said...

shes a cutie :) i love that your mom helped you organize. my momma did the same thing and i am still thanking her everyday that things work so much better now. haha!

RS said...

I love wall flowers too :) And nieces and nephews :) -Katie S