07 December 2009

It's a Hard Nerd Life

FOR ME! (In case you didn't figure it out, that was supposed to be sung like, "It's a Hard Knock Life" from Annie...)

It's hard to be a nerd. I'm not saying I'm a huge nerd or anything, although I'm sure some out there would argue that I am a huge nerd...I dunno. I digress...

Here's why it's hard: people don't want to do homework. And they know you're smart. And they know you like to do homework. And they know you like them. So what do they do? They take advantage. They start talking to you more in class. They start asking you out. They act all interested in you when really, they're interested in not doing their own homework, but having you do it for them.

I'm so glad I'm graduating.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. Jessie is having a girl. And I got to see the video of the sonogram!
2. I kinda sorta snapped at Brother Allen today, and someone kinda sorta stuck up for me and explained I'm NEVER like that, so there must be something wrong. And then I made Brother Allen laugh really hard and now he thinks I'm cool. He told me.
3. My group presented our PR plan today, so basically I have no more homework for that class ever since I already took the final before Thanksgiving.
4. I actually don't have a ton of homework left at all! I just have to finish tweaking one portfolio, upload everything onto the other portfolio and write one essay for my Humanities class. Cake.
5. I woke up at 9:24 on Sunday morning. Church starts at 9:30. I was a little late, but I made it!
6. Joseph Smith said, "Let what will come; don't deny the faith, and all will be well." I found that quote with my Patriarchal Blessing the other day when I really needed to hear it. And then Leslie was looking at something on my shelf and saw that quote when SHE really needed it (cause I put it on display...)!


Haley said...

I am also a nerd, and I totally feel your pain. I find it's hard to be a nerd when nobody else gets your nerdiness and just thinks you're weird. lol.

nison (nic + allison) said...

AKA Goth pod. Boo on him. I love you nerd! :)

KP said...

oh elle. how i love you.

Unknown said...

And then you get married and you are stuck doing their homework!! I already graduated!!

Lauren MacKenzie Conley said...

I am NOT marrying this kid.

He'll be lucky if I talk to him after graduation at the rate he's going.