03 December 2009


Leslie is in a photography class and for her homework, she has to take lots of pictures (go figure...).
I was her homework one day! Her assignment was to play with light and shadow, so she shoved me in all of the dark corners of our apartment and posed me.

I've discovered I would never make a good model because I kept getting laughing fits. Poor Leslie. I think I made her homework harder than it had to be.

These aren't all of the pictures. If you want to see all of them, click here (the pictures start on the second page of the album...)
Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. Sunday. It can't come fast enough, if you ask me.
2. I got my cap and gown today!!! HOLY CRAP!
3. My dad's surgery went very well.
4. My PR book is done. Finally. Stupid incompetent group members that can't do InDesign so I have to do it all.
5. Jean-Baptiste
6. Garret from the library. Also the freaky guy who asked for my number the other day. Thankfully I had a good reason to say no. :o)

1 comment:

KP said...

aaw cute pics!!!
um i think i forgot to call or text you back. i feel so bad. i need to text you.
hillary got married yesterday and it was an all day thingy.
i dont have shauna's address anymore............BUT i might because we are sending her a wedding invite.
um. i need to call you later today.
im sorry elle.
do you still love me?