08 September 2009


No, I didn't get stranded coming up here.

I just feel stranded.

I can't get the internet in my apartment for some stupid reason. So I'm up here on the third (HOLLER Sister Sargent, and KP!) trying to figure everything out.

I didn't realize how dependant I am on constantly having the internet at my fingers. I think a small piece of it is that up here, my friend list gets considerably shorter every semester. And it's about to get cut again! Jessie is leaving me on Friday for good. No more PK runs. :o(

BWAHAHA! Who am I kidding? I'll go alone!

Anyways. The point is, if you're writing to me on facebook (or my email account, for that matter) and I'm not replying, this is why. Until further notice, I don't have the internet. I do have a cell phone though. A nice, shiny, new one. So please feel free to contact me on that. (I still don't know what my ring tone sounds like!)

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. New books.
2. Hillary. She's a new roomie and super nice already!
3. Papa Kelsey's is only 13 minutes away.

1 comment:

nison (nic + allison) said...

Wish I were there! Come to KTown! Where is Jessie going? Mail me a PK sandwhich and we'll eat at the same time! haha Disgusting! Miss you!