01 September 2009

Revealing More Nerd-Tendencies

I don't know why I, all-of-a-sudden, have decided to reveal exactly how nerdy I am to my few readers, but I'm going to do it again.

Let me give a bit of a backdrop.

You all know I love the Twilight books, right? So, because I'm such a nerd, I read Stephenie Meyer's website. And Stephenie Meyer somehow got a hold of this new book by Suzanne Collins (I'd never heard of her, but apparently she's written a few series before...one of them 9 books long!) and LOVED it! Last summer, she posted on her blog about how much she loved this book (called The Hunger Games) and couldn't put it down for anything and even took it with her and family out to a restaurant one night and was reading during dinner. (Do you see why I like her so much?!) I read a chapter of it online and decided to give it a read even though it isn't technically in my favorite genre.

I fell in love. I fel
l in love with everything about this book, the characters and, most especially, the main character's sarcasm.

So naturally, I did research until my fingers bled from typing (no, not really) and found the release date for the second book, Catching Fire. It came out today.

Present day:
Barnes and Noble opens at 9 here, so I got online and found a 30% off coupon for the book and made it to the store around 9:45. I got home just after 10 and started reading. I had to take care of Grannie for a bit and eat lunch and talk with my mom, but it took me roughly 6 hours-ish to finish and I STILL can't stop thinking about it! (It's only been 2 hours since I finished, but whatevs...it's just that captivating of a read!)

Oh my gosh. I'm so annoyed that Nicole hasn't read it and can't read it until this weekend and that she reads slower than I do because I am BURSTING to talk about it, people, but no one I know has read the first one, let alone finished the second.

AMAZING books, I highly suggest them. All of the research I've been able to find says that it's a trilogy, and since this second one came out almost one year to the day of the first one, I expect the third and final (although, I hope it won't be the final book) installment this time next year.

I'm going to die waiting for it.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. Trying to think my way out of the book.
2. How incredibly absorbed I become when I read.
3. The stupid dog. Honestly - he made me so angry today, but you just can't hate him for long.
4. Peeta Mellark.
5. Little blessings. Like distractions...slash borderline amnesia.
6. Chasing the bugs in my room last night at like 2 in the morning in my underwear. No, I'm not joking. When I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror I laughed.

7. Sister Sargent. You'll do GREAT, love!


c.j. said...

haha this post is amazing!!! I just drove by a Barnes and Noble today and thought of you, then read this...it's a sign! Tell me! Tell me! What are the books about??? I'm captivated by your captivation!

Unknown said...

I had a friend recommend Hunger games to me and I have not read it yet, but now I really want to!

Jenni said...

I just added those books to my To Read list on GoodReads. :^)