19 August 2009

Stay Tuned

I swear one day I will update this!

It just won't be today!

I promise to do a post about:
1. My trip to AZ (which may come in the form of more than one post)
2. My awesome new head band
3. Disneyland trip with Bryce
4. Upcoming plans

I still have to upload pics and all that good stuff, but I do want to say this - I did NOT want the roommate reunion to end. But I understand it had to...

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. Making Dan laugh so hard he cried. Literally. (Ashley told me, I didn't get to see it happen.)
2. The 3 different booklists I have to study and then choose one book from each which equals: BARNES AND NOBLE TRIP!! ...I'll explain this on my upcoming plans post.
3. Grannie calling me a nut. Honestly!
4. My bed. I crashed so hard last night it was amazing.
5. iTunes free single of the week. I love most of them, and they're keeping me highly entertained as I type this all up!

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