02 August 2009

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!

I decided to get up and go to my home ward this morning (9 am) instead of going to single's ward (1 pm). I haven't been there in a very long time and it was nice to see the new people and really nice to see the not-so-new people! We've had 5 baptisms since the beginning of 2009 and last night an old friend of the family was baptized, that makes 6, and tonight there is another baptism - a girl named Zela, from Africa - will make 7 baptisms in 8 months! That's really good considering my ward hasn't ever been a high baptizing ward. Good work Elders!

A small family came and sat in the bench in front of us and I watched as the wife sat on one end of the bench and her husband sat on the complete other end with just their 2 children between them. The mother entertained the son but I wasn't watching them. I watched the father and the daughter. I watched him pull out his fancy shmancy pen from his breast pocket and draw pretty dang good pictures for his daughter. He was drawing pictures she could match things the drawings - for instance, on one half of the paper he would draw a baseball and then on the other half he would draw a bat, so she could connect them. He drew a very life-like horse, and a rather pretty flower, but the last paper he drew was what stuck in my mind. He drew a crown first and then a pretty dress and then he started drawing what looked like a very elaborate castle. He leaned down and whispered to her for a minute and she watched his pen scribbling and I noticed that what I first thought of as a castle was actually the SLC Temple. How did I know? I watched them throughout most of sacrament and realized that I love coming home and going to the family ward. I have nothing against single's ward, but I love being around the children and watching them interact with their parents and scream through the sacrament.

Bryce came to my ward and sat with me and my family. It was good to sit next to him and laugh through the hymns again. It's been a while since we've done that. It was fast and testimony meeting today and Bryce bore his testimony. I don't know that I've ever heard him bear his testimony and I very highly doubt he's ever heard mine. He's such a good person and my all-time favorite person (sorry folks, but it's true...).

Like I said, it was a very nice Sabbath.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. I keep learning new things about people I thought I knew very well.
2. Having such a wonderful person in my life.
3. Coming home.
4. My mom. She's my best friend and I love her.
5. Bryce's mom bankrolling our trip to Disneyland (for him, at least) so we can go before he goes to Germany and I go back to Idaho. Thanks Nancy!


Mason Manor said...

Who got baptised? And when does Bryce leave for Germany?

Lauren MacKenzie Conley said...

Shannon Grant was baptized and Bryce leaves sometime around September 1st. ...give or take a day or 2... He's been doing fundraisers and the like to earn money to pay for the plane ticket ans surgeries, but the stakes around here are asking for donation of frequent flyer miles to help him get to London because he apparently has a flight from London to Germany already set up.