31 July 2009

I'm Home!

I've decided it's been long enough since I blogged.

This is home!

There isn't too much going on over here. I'm just counting down days until I go to the Blue October concert (5), get a new cell phone (4-5), and go to Arizona (13). At some point I'm going to Disneyland with Bryce, Nicole and Chelsea. I'm super excited!!

We got Grannie down to California alright and we're working on getting her situated in the house. She's doing very well. Bryce's radiation is going pretty well so far. This is his third week and this is when the side effects should start manifesting. I saw him on Monday, but haven't seen him since because his Grandma died, so he's been with his family that flew in.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. Talking to KP. Thank you for the honesty - it helped loads!
2. AZ in 13 days!!
3. Celebrating Nicole's birthday...finally!
4. Planning on attending the old Family Ward on Sunday.

1 comment:

KP said...

i just realized i am in this post.
you are welcome! :) LOL.
uh i see u so soon.
love the blue october post. i just love how obsessed you are! it makes me happy hehe.
love you!