13 July 2009

Lost, Lost, Lost...

I've lost my iron.

I dug out my box that should have had my iron in it for Sunday and it's NOT THERE!!

I've had that iron for years. And it's gone. Without a trace.
So I went to church wrinkled on Sunday. And the Bishop asked me to take more care with my appearance as it probably wasn't my "Sunday best."

I was mortified.

So I borrowed Leslie's iron and broke it! And I can't even replace it with my own. Because it's gone. LOST!

So I gave Leslie Alli's old iron. That I stole from her storage unit. Because I have a copy of the key. Shh. Don't tell Alli. ...or Leslie for that matter. She thinks it's from KMart. The Martha Stewart Collection.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. Going to AZ in ONE MONTH!
2. The Geek videos on youtube.
3. Talking to Alli today.
4. Greg.
5. This blog post. Cause it's a prank. On Tara. I know you have my iron. I don't need it back. And I didn't steal Alli's cause all her stuff is gone. And I didn't break Leslie's. I just told you that because I wanted you to feel bad because you think I would be mad that you somehow ended up with my iron that I didn't even know I had. Love you!


Shauna said...

ha, ok, so i was reading this and was like what the heck...her bishop would say that?! i'm glad it was just a prank!

KP said...

wait. so your bishop DIDNT tell you that?!?! because i was thinking that was VERY odd. lol. me and shauna think alike.
wait. az soon! yay.

nison (nic + allison) said...

So that's where my iron was! You iron thief! haha Messing! I'm sure mine is in Colonial still. haha