I dug out my box that should have had my iron in it for Sunday and it's NOT THERE!!
I've had that iron for years. And it's gone. Without a trace.
So I went to church wrinkled on Sunday. And the Bishop asked me to take more care with my appearance as it probably wasn't my "Sunday best."
I was mortified.
So I borrowed Leslie's iron and broke it! And I can't even replace it with my own. Because it's gone. LOST!
So I gave Leslie Alli's old iron. That I stole from her storage unit. Because I have a copy of the key. Shh. Don't tell Alli. ...or Leslie for that matter. She thinks it's from KMart. The Martha Stewart Collection.
Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. Going to AZ in ONE MONTH!
2. The Geek videos on youtube.
3. Talking to Alli today.
4. Greg.
5. This blog post. Cause it's a prank. On Tara. I know you have my iron. I don't need it back. And I didn't steal Alli's cause all her stuff is gone. And I didn't break Leslie's. I just told you that because I wanted you to feel bad because you think I would be mad that you somehow ended up with my iron that I didn't even know I had. Love you!
ha, ok, so i was reading this and was like what the heck...her bishop would say that?! i'm glad it was just a prank!
wait. so your bishop DIDNT tell you that?!?! because i was thinking that was VERY odd. lol. me and shauna think alike.
wait. az soon! yay.
So that's where my iron was! You iron thief! haha Messing! I'm sure mine is in Colonial still. haha
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