22 April 2009

A Little Bit Random...

This will most likely be a really random post, but bear with me; there are a few things I'd like to put out there, just to say them.

There is a thunderstorm rolling around/over Rexburg right now and I definitely need the comfort of a thunderstorm. There is just too much going on physically and emotionally right now for me to be considered sane. The thunderstorm was preceeded by the ridiculous Rexburg wind that gusts through town destroying hair-do's and shrubbery alike, which was also, surprisingly, comforting today!

I ordered some new books last week and they're sitting on my desk just waiting to be read and I can't read them because I'm so swamped with homework. It's killing me that I can't just read them. Maybe that will be my project for Saturday. That means I have to work really hard on my homework now and get off my blog. Hmm...

I don't understand why boys think it is appropriate to drive by girls and shout at us. Or, my new "favorite" - attach microphones to their cars so as they drive by, they can shout things at you on loud speakers. Honestly? Do they think girls like this? Cause I don't. I don't know about the rest of you ladies, but I think it's very fifth-grade. Pretty soon, they'll start pulling my hair and trying to pants me in the school yard. Yesterday I was walking home from the Clark (ouch, by the way...) and a car full of boys started honking and waving at me, while one leaned out the window and was yelling something. I had my iPod in, so I didn't hear what they were yelling. I know I wasn't about to be attacked or mortally wounded or anything (which, I feel, are the only cases where yelling at me is appropriate) because I looked around me and I was the only person dumb enough to attempt walking up that hill in the middle of the absurd heat we were experiencing yesterday with a backpack and bag full of books from the bookstore.

It's only the third day of classes and already, I'm swamped with homework. And I'm only taking 12 units. That's a little ridiculous. Why am I swamped with just 12 units? Because of the stupid seven week break. They've cut our semesters down to just 14 weeks and the teachers are still teaching us 16 weeks worth of material. I HATE the seven week break.

On the plus side of the seven week break issue, President Clark sent out a survey to random students on campus regarding our feelings towards/about the seven week break and luckily, I was selected. Yep, they only gave me a 2,500 word section and an 8,000 word section to respond to it, along with a few "do you strongly disagree, slightly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, slightly agree, or strongly agree with the following:" questions. Needless to say I maxed out on my limited responses and gave horrible responses to the rest.

I feel better.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. My "choose your weapon" t-shirt.
2. Hearing thunder and seeing lightning for the first time in a long time.
3. Seeing Nicole yesterday - she's such a sweetie.
4. A 4 day weekend over Memorial day (mom, I'll probably be down to see you or asking if I can go to California, so be prepared).
5. The atonement and all of its blessings.
6. The internet and it's boundless stores of information - both helpful and entertaining.
7. Elder Bednar's talk about praying solely for the sake of being thankful - it's incredibly helpful.
8. Having a few teachers that I'm on excellent terms with this semester.


nison (nic + allison) said...

I'm way jealous of the rain/thunder/lighting! I wish it would come this way. It's warmer in my office than outside, so needless to say, I'd rather be outside! Boo. I'm only taking 13 credits and I'm always swamped, so the feeling is mutual. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Loves.

KP said...

aww yay! :)
glad to hear school is going good so far for ya. can't wait to hear more stories from good ol' byu-i! miss and love u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!