12 July 2011


It has been ...quite a while... since I have blogged. *shame*

So, when last I left you lovely people, the mean folks over at LDSPlanet were trying to encourage me to no longer a be a disappointment to my mother. That has not changed. (:

I did, however, go to England! (This post actually takes place BEFORE me being a disppointment was brought to light, but in case you haven't noticed, I am not the best blogger these days.) I'll break this up into a few posts so that I don't overwhelm people TOO much.

Day One:
Mum (haha) and I arrived at Heathrow airport in London a bit later than planned and Francis and Linda were worried that we had missed our flight. Luckily, they waited for us outside of Customs and there was a happy reunion in the middle of the walkway for a moment - until we realized we were in the middle of the walkway and then moved. I hadn't seen Linda in probably around six years and I don't recall ever meeting Francis, although, I know I have. None of that mattered though - instant best friends and close family.

We drove out to Francis' house in Surrey, completely in awe of the beautiful countryside. I don't know that I will ever get over how absolutely gorgeous England is. And of course, Francis and Trevor live in this beautiful little suburb that has a country feel to it with a quaint little downtown. When we got to the house, I met Trevor (again - I know I've met him before, but I don't remember). He has to be my favorite person ever - he has that naughty, cheeky Brit thing going for him and he looks kind of like Mick Jagger. Anyway! We visited for a bit and then off to bed (I didn't sleep at all on the flight over and I don't know that Mum did either).

The next day, we hung out at the house with Francis and Trevor's sons and their families. I have never met Mark or James - let alone their wives and kids (or soon-to-be kids). I was pretty shocked when I saw James; he looks A LOT like Josh. And then Mark looks like a mash up of Jereme and Josh, with more Jereme. It was REALLY funny. I love their families, too! James' wife, Meaw, was a bit sick, so we didn't visit much, but she is very sweet and keeps her kids in line like only a good mother can. She was a bit hard to understand because she's from Thailand and has a British accent on top of it all. James' wife, Eva, is from Slovakia and wonderful! She's expecting their first child and was very loving.

After a while, Francis, Trevor, and Linda took Mum and I to my great aunt and uncle's resting place - this charming little memorial park in the center of town. It is beautiful and very peaceful there.

Alright - that's it for this post. More to come!

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. The guys on the flight to London who played cards THE ENTIRE FLIGHT. I kid you not - the ENTIRE FLIGHT from when they were first seated until we landed and they HAD to put the deck away.
2. James is almost as cheeky as his dad!
3. I think I watched 3 movies, 2 episodes of Big Bang Theory and one episode of IT Crowd on the flight over.
4. Trevor making everyone a cuppa before visiting the Land of Nod.

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