14 December 2009


Alli challenged me to make a announcement.

So I did one on InDesign for kicks and giggles during finals week, cause let's face it: everyone needs a kick and a giggle during finals. It took me 10 minutes. Literally.

I think I'll miss parts of this town. Mostly Papa Kelsey's...but some other things too. Every time I go on a walk now I study everything I pass, trying to commit it to memory.

Elliot and I were talking about graduation and how it's going to suck not seeing each other anymore. Luckily, there's a facebook for that!

I've made so many good friends here, and I'm going to miss them all so much!

Love to you all!

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. Thinking up new responses to the question, "What are your plans for graduation" for every new person who asks me.
2. They finally plowed the roads after 2 days of snow. It's about time.

3. Peter Pan.
4. I found a website entirely dedicated to quotes about reading. I'm in heaven.
5. I finished my educational portfolio and it rocks.


RS said...

Wow, nice job on the quickie announcement! Congrats Lauren! Graduation is such a liberating feeling, although it can be sad and scary too! I can't wait for Ryan to graduate in April (we think)! Although that means he needs to find a new job! Yikes! Congrats again!

RS said...

P.S this is Katie Stewart :)