11 September 2009

Beverly Hills Part 2

This post is a little bit past due.

On August 27th, Bryce held his silent auction in Beverly Hills. Chelsea and I went (THANK YOU Chelsea for going with me - I think I would have died without you...) and had a pretty good time, all in all.

Clubs are NOT my thing - at all - but this was for the best cause possible, so I went. Supported by my headband. hahaha. I love that thing.

Bryce schmoozing.

There was this giant guy there that looked like he should be playing the Hulk ("excuse me, can I touch your pecks?") and of course, the Chinese lady with the see-through clothing was back...in more see-through clothing and BOOTY SHORTS! Scott and I played a round of real or fake and I got to meet some of Bryce's friends from the mission. They were super cool.

Scott, Chelsea and I.

The auction went well. Bryce made about $6,000 and that gave him the last little bit he needed to pay off one full lung surgery! Woo hoo!

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. How easily I get along with Scott when really I've known him for like a week...
2. Chelsea's totally rocking dance moves. While sitting down.
3. Nicole not realizing that Scott and Bryce both have beards.
4. Stud.

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