23 August 2009

My New Headband

While at the Scottsdale Fashion Center, we wandered into ForLove21. It's all of the accessories that Forever 21 sells, and nothing else.

As I was meandering, I came across a headband that I liked. A lot.

Here it is:

Alli, Shauna, KP and Natalie all liked it, so I bought it. (It was cheap, for everyone who's freaking out...)

I was going to wear it to Shauna's farewell, but it was a little much when combined with my totally rocking new dress.

When I got back to California, I threw it on and went into Grannie's room to show her and my mom. My mom thought I had a fake tarantula on my head, at first. Grannie's reaction was my favorite though. I knealt down so she could get a better look at it and she laughed at me, patted my cheek and said, "You're such a nut," through her laughter.

It was good to come home!

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. Cancer jokes.
2. Finishing The Hunger Games again. The sequel comes out in like 2 weeks. Hooray!
3. Getting my refund check from The Ridge.

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