27 May 2009

Read This Before You Vote On My Newest Poll...

I got an email from the English Academic Society reminding me that registration for Fall starts on June 1st.

HOLY CRAP! That's on Monday!! I haven't even thought about that yet.

I had some time in my schedule today (because I b.s.-ed an assignment or two...) and decided to figure this out from top to bottom. Including that pesky little one science credit that I'm lacking and has been giving me grief for a few months now.

I lugged myself and my stuff over to the Smith after my math class to file a request to waive the credit and the girls in the office (after 20 minutes) finally admitted they didn't know what they were doing and sent me to the Benson to talk to the Agriculture Academic Advising Center. When it was finally my turn to be advised the dude with the totally rockin red bow tie took one look at my paper and told me not to worry, the credit I'm missing isn't even offered anymore and it should be waived with no problem. I just have to make sure it shows up on my transcipt in a week or two.

I got that taken care of, "did" the more pressing homework, and sat down to plan out the Fall semester.

Oh geez.

I only have 4 classes left to take and then I'm graduated. I have to take the Senior Writing Seminar (it sounds scary...), Advanced Professional Writing (no problem), a communications class (I only qualify for one that fits with my 2 English classes that are only offered at one time each), and then I'm left with an option.

Before I give you all the option though, let me say this: My 3 classes that I have no option over are all on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I go from 7:45 - 8:45, 10:15 - 11:15 and 2-3. Far from ideal, but like I said, I have no option with those.

Here's the option I do have: I can take Humanities of Islam (which sounds totally rockin' and I love Humanities, but it's the one teacher in the whole department I don't know) on MWF from 12:45 - 1:45, OR I can take Eastern European Culture (sounds totally rockin' and I thoroughly enjoyed my Western European Culture class [although, I think that is mostly because of McMarried] and I don't know the teacher) on Tuesday/Thursday from 8-9:30.

There's bonuses for each. If I do every class on MWF I can use Tuesday and Thursday all day to do homework. On the other hand, if I do this one class on Tuesday/Thursday, I can still use most of that day to do homework, but I'll have an excuse to go outside, which I should probably do...

Alright folks. You've read everything. Now vote!

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. A heart-to-heart with KP that I totally needed.
2. An offer was made on Grannie's house! (Let's all pray it sells!)
3. Blue October's Live CD's. All of which I own and am currently listening to. Not as good as actually being there, but pretty darn close.
5. Only 2 more days of class this week.
6. Being lazy today. Sort of.
7. Potentially seeing "Star Trek" finally with Leslie!


c.j. said...

oh academic office...will you ever cooperate and/or function properly??? hmm...

Karissa said...

So it seems that I, the lone "Humanities of Islam" vote, need to explain my reasoning. I have two very sound arguments, which are: 1- I had a semester where I had only MWF classes and I loved it. Those mornings could be a little rough (I had to go from the Ricks to the to the Snow in 15 minutes) but it was so great to have Tuesdays and Thursdays to just chill and prep or classes. I thought it was a great schedule. 2- While Eastern Europeans may be fun to learn about, in comparison to of Islamic cultures it seems almost bland. I recently read "Three Cups of Tea" and I suggest you read that book and then sign right up for learning about Islamic cultures.
So I guess reason two may be lacking some validity since the whole argument is based on what I think I would choose to study, but my first argument should definitely be considered.