09 December 2008

Final Exams

It's that time of year when Finals come. *collective groan from every student everywhere* I actually got fairly lucky this year - all things considering. A lot of my finals are at least part take-home, or done online. So that's nice.

Nothing is nicer than Brother Babcock's final. For the midterm he posted the short answer questions on I-Learn and we had to answer and submit them there. Well, he decided to cut out the middle man, as it were, and simply e-mail us the test. Here are his instructions:

Provide complete answers to all questions. No time limit. Use books, notes, neighbors, monsters, beanbags, blindfolds, etc. The use of carved pumpkins (Neoclassical, or otherwise) is expressly prohibited. Use as much space as you need to answer each question. In other words, use the framework of this text, but feel free to expand its electronic format to accommodate your answers. Then, re-save it, and email it to your instructor.

That's right. Beanbags are fair game. But not carved pumpkins. What he failed to realize is that uncarved pumpkins are actually smarter than carved ones in that the uncarved pumpkins still have their GUT. (I know it's not funny. It's finals week. This is the best I can do people.)

To everyone who has a final they have to take: good luck.
To everyone else: I hate you.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. $92 from book buy back and that isn't even all of my books yet.
2. Katie.
3. Christmas shopping.

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