30 October 2008

Don't Mess With the Mafia!

So last night was our ward Halloween Carnival and it's probably hard to tell what the heck we were supposed to be. We got all kinds of answers like: professional sports players, and business women. Nope. None of those. We were the 303 Mafia. We were going to buy squirt guns but we forgot until we were walking out the door that we needed weapons. So I called around and managed to get the ok to borrow Jessie's sports equpiment. So I broke into her apartment (surprisingly, not my first illegal act. Okay. Not surprisingly...) and stole her stuff off of her walls. Thanks Jessie!

I was the Mafia Mama, Kellie was Racquet and Jessica was Pins.

Kelli the Magnificent did my hair. I honestly don't know how she did it. All I did was get it my hair to its normal curly and she went to town with bobby pins and hair pins and a curling iron. I loved it. It actually made me kinda sad that I never went to dances in high school. Who knew having your hair done could be so much fun?

Here we are. We're aren't a very threatening Mafia, but we're pretty. That counts for something. OH MY GOSH! Our weapons should have been our looks! ...I had enough bobby pins in my hair to perform some pretty scary voo doo!

Nicole was Velma. She had that "Jenkies" down pat, I tell ya. She isn't that tall. She's actually on her tip toes and I'm crouching. hahaha. Doesn't she look freakishly like Velma?

Lindsey was Daphne. Isn't she cute? I should have gotten a picture of her bright pink tights!

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. The smell of freshly turned soil.
2. Using Nicole (not the above Velma, the original Nicole) as my guinea pig for all of my stupid story ideas.
3. Brother Babcock's Brit Lit class (I know it's on the previous post but honestly, I'll just have to do a post completely dedicated to Brother Babock to get the point across...)
4. My ability to freak people out by writing backwards in both cursive and print, with my left and right hands, and - my most favorite - both hands at the same time.
5. People who make a big show of sneezing.


Mason Manor said...

Cute pictures (though I agree--not a very scary Mafia)! It looks like you had fun at your Halloween party. :)

Shauna said...


KP said...

aw love!
what i dont love is your roomate who has my name.
jk im sure she is a sweet girl.

aubree said...

you have a blog!! yay! i love your hair in the photos! funny thing, i panicked when i saw the thing that made you happy was freshly turned soil, because for some reason i thought it said fresh turd soil. hahaha. im glad its freshly turned soil.