25 September 2011

Movin' the Blog

Hi everyone!

Just a quick note to let you all know that I will no longer be posting on this web address.

If you still want to see what I've been up to, check out my new blog, here!

19 September 2011

My New Favorite Thing

Hello Blogging World! Long time no post.

This is going to be short because I'm already exhausted (and it is only 9:15).

I have this app on my Google home page that give me "Art of the Day" even though it refreshes and gives you a new piece of art whenever you leave the website. ANYWAY, I saw this and froze. She is gorgeous. The lines and the colors - not to mention the texture the piece (oil on canvas is one of my favorite mediums).

The piece is Boreas by John William Waterhouse, painted in 1902:

When I first saw it, I thought it looked vaguely familiar, but I knew I had never seen this before. So, I googled John William Waterhouse and figured out why this looked familiar. You may recognize this beauty:

Lady of Shallot. (This always reminds me of that scene in Anne of Green Gables.

Once I googled John William Waterhouse, I found SO MANY pieces that I love. I don't want to post them all, because that is ridiculous, but here are just two more that I wanted to share:

My Sweet Rose

and, finally, Ophelia

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. A great find.
2. I'll be blogging about my recent trips to Seattle. Someday. Soon. Ish.
3. Seeing Blue October in concert yet again. Chelsea and I sat down and figured out that we've been seeing them every 6 months for the last 2 years. I hope we can keep it up!
4. I bought a MacBook Pro and I LOVE it.
5. My new ergonomic keyboard for work. HEAVEN.