05 January 2011

SQA Christmas Party

...Are you noticing a theme here? The company I work for LOVES holidays!

Our Christmas party was at Terranea Resort on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. (Click the link. I dare you. You'll be jealous.)

Everything was GORGEOUS! The party was ridiculously expensive (Chelsea is the assistant office manager; she told me a ball park) and it showed. We filled their largest ballroom, overlooking the ocean. The food was delish as well.

Unfortunately, I only have the one crappy picture of me (thanks, Chelsea!) and then a few of the view from my room.

I live about 15 minutes from the resort, but we got discounts on rooms (nearly 50%) and I knew I would never get a chance like this again, so Chels and I split it. All I have to say is: Worth. Every. Penny.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. I bought myself the HTC Evo 4G for Christmas. I'm still figuring out everything it does, but I LOVE IT!
2. I bought my parents one day park hoppers to Disneyland. Now that I've thought about it, I should have just bought them the lowest level passes. They're only like $50 more a piece. BLONDE MOMENT.
3. Nicole is getting married on Saturday. Stay tuned for another post tomorrow. Quite possibly my favorite post...

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