06 August 2010

Mormon Night

Every year, Dodger stadium hosts Mormon Night. And every year, it's Dodgers versus Padres. One day, I hope they give us a different team. That's beside the point, though.

After I got off of work, Chelsea picked me up and we booked it to a friend's house who then drove us (like a MANIAC, I might add...I'm amazed I'm alive) out to LA for the game.

I REALLY needed to get out. I don't seem to have the opportunity very often with work demands and it's only going to get worse over the next few months. That's a post for a different day.

We tried to get a bunch of the people that were there from our singles' ward to sit together. Really, it ended up just being the people we carpooled with sitting together and one member of the bishopric sitting semi-close to us.

We had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the Dodgers lost to the Padres (BOO)! ...Like I care... Where was I? Oh yeah. We had a lot of fun and I even got to witness a real, live in-stadium home run because the Dodgers players weren't paying attention.

Things that induce laughter/smiles/happy feelings in me today:
1. I could potentially have exciting news soon. Like, as in, tomorrow-soon. Maybe.
2. I'm learning the seriousness of the phrase, "Be careful what you wish for" the hard way.
3. "The Nanny." I can't get enough.
4. Jereme's girlfriend, Christy, is coming!!
5. It's finally August - which means: I GET TO SEE ALLI SOON!!

1 comment:

nison (nic + allison) said...

Jealous that you got to go to a baseball game. So fun!
I saw the BYU-Idaho Dance Alliance the other night and made me miss our college days together.
Can't wait to see you oh so soon! Call me.
Jereme has a girlfriend?! What?! Fun.